Dusty Johnson tweeted the following:
"I joined the Independent Insurance Agents of South Dakota to answer some questions on crop insurance and federal ag policy updates. Thanks for having me @IIASoDak!"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Dusty Johnson:
"Wrapped up another Farm Bill Roundtable this afternoon. We discussed conservation practices and the need to have public-private partnerships. They shared good input that I will take to Farm Bill conversations in Washington, D.C." on Aug. 8Read on Twitter
"The Rotary Club in Pierre shared updates on what they are up to and I got to answer a few questions from the crowd. Thanks for having me at your meeting!" on Aug. 8Read on Twitter
"Chinas ownership of foreign farmland and ag processing has increased tenfold in the last ten years. This is a real problem. Food security is national security. I talked with Fox News this morning about my bills to stop this." on Aug. 6Read on Twitter