Dusty Johnson tweeted the following:
"Yesterdays Farm Bill Roundtable focused on the Research title. Ag research impacts seed, fertilizer, higher education, soil health, field equipment, and much more. I appreciate all the attendees sharing their input!"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Dusty Johnson:
"I joined the Independent Insurance Agents of South Dakota to answer some questions on crop insurance and federal ag policy updates. Thanks for having me @IIASoDak!" on Aug. 9Read on Twitter
"Wrapped up another Farm Bill Roundtable this afternoon. We discussed conservation practices and the need to have public-private partnerships. They shared good input that I will take to Farm Bill conversations in Washington, D.C." on Aug. 8Read on Twitter
"The Rotary Club in Pierre shared updates on what they are up to and I got to answer a few questions from the crowd. Thanks for having me at your meeting!" on Aug. 8Read on Twitter